Welcome to PhD Career Guide!
PhD Career Guide endeavors to bring to light the many career options available to PhDs, and more importantly, the information necessary to decide which career path would be most rewarding given their particular set of professional interests and career goals. It’s not always obvious how the specific skill sets developed throughout the PhD process can directly translate to career skills, so we hope you will peruse the website, learn something new, and build confidence in your ability to pursue your interests.

PhD Career Guide was born of a frustrated graduate student who simply wanted someone, somewhere to answer the question, “What are my options?” Most people and places were either too specific (clubs and websites dedicated to a specific career path) or too broad (“The possibilities are endless…”). The PhD degree is unique in that there are many career options available, yet most graduate students don’t begin to really explore their options until after they are ready to defend their dissertation. Waiting until the last minute to prepare for a career after your PhD is a guaranteed recipe for disaster and may leave you settling for a position that is not in line with your interests and goals. The good news is that a lot of the legwork has now been done for you and the information has been brought together all in one place.
PhD Career Guide is not only meant to be a useful source of information, but also a place where graduate students, past, present, and future, can come together to discuss their experiences and frustrations regarding the process of transitioning from student to professional. Whether it is through LinkedIn, Facebook, Google+, Twitter, or Pinterest, we want to foster a community where the inherently curious can interact and learn from one another. In that spirit, please participate by asking questions, providing answers, or sending in the information that you believe would be useful to others.
Go ahead and take a break from your research to peruse the website and take advantage of all that it has to offer. Whether you are a current, former, or prospective PhD student, we hope that you will find the content helpful and informative.