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(Don’t) Hack Your Way to Becoming A Professor: Productivity Tips for PhD / Doctoral Students

4. Dont Hack YoProductivity Tips for PhD Doctoral Students

Who doesn’t want to get productivity tips for PhD? Sometimes, as a PhD student, you may feel overwhelmed with guidance. Individuals, both academic and not, do not appear to be short on stuff to tell you about how you must do the PhD. They instruct you on what school you can go to, what subject you must research, how you should research, and what you are doing incorrectly.

Usually, the guidance is contrary and, in most of the cases, awkward. Besides, the PhD students can get advice on, is how to follow the academic career or how to be a professor after accomplishing their PhD. It appears that every person has a point of view on this, and mainly they will tell you that you only follow some easy tricks to become a professor.

Often, the advice-givers make landing the desired academic jobs appear so easy; however, in reality, it includes a lot of work. Here I am going to talk about a few ordinary advice PhD people are given to initiate their career and talk if they are beneficial or not.

Common Pieces of Advice Given to PhD Candidates


The network is among the legal advice given to PhD or non-PhD students searching for a job. The advice-givers will reassure you to go to an event that gives you access to a diversity of people, go to colloquia, and go to conferences. Being visible to a variety of people offers you a great chance to be linked with anyone making a hiring place, provides you with more exposure, and it is usually a great idea. The advice-givers will motivate you to expand the network continually for more return on exposure.

Write Quickly

Academia is filled with the burden to give more pieces of research and publish the research as soon as possible. There is no deficiency of people that can tell you that your value is directly associated with the published papers. The advice-givers will suggest you write as often and as much as you can. They will advise you to do all the projects quickly and shift on to the next one. Also, they may let you know that publishing the research is essential as compared to other aspects of careers like teaching. More published research will help you to grow fast and get the jobs of your choice.

Get to Know the Best Professors

Often, PhD students get numerous pieces of advice about doing the exact thing. A significant one is you should know about the best professor. It is to know about an essential personality in your field through networking or having that professor agree to be the supervisor. Many advice-givers tell the PhD people to know about this professor because they are essential and can link the student to the best person. Once it happens, there is nothing to worry about, and you will be all set.

Besides, keep in mind that knowing that one essential person will not have you set for the whole life. While looking for a job, knowing the right person can be beneficial; however, it is not the only fruitful component in the job application.  You may need to know what the institution is looking for, only knowing someone in a position of authority is not sufficient.

Take the Right Courses

In addition to knowing the best professor, a lot of advice-givers will tell you to enroll in specific courses. One course may be more critical as compared to others and be vital to the career options in your future, either because the topic is trending at that time or because of who teaches it. You must take that course even if you do not need to and work hard to get into that.

Do the Right Research

When you are working on the writing process of your proposal, people will have a lot of suggestion on what they think you must research. Even they can be so vocal as to let you know that your idea is irrelevant or stupid and you must try ABC topic instead. They will tell you to research a topic that is never studied before or a trending one. The advice-givers will also say that getting in on XYZ research will ensure your job.

Your interest and passion in the research are shown in your work. Often you can tell while talking to a researcher if they feel an excitement about the topic or if they only knew that specific topic could get them to grant money or help them to succeed.

Productivity Tips for PhD Students Searching for Academic Jobs

Be Genuine

Be authentic while looking for a job or advancing in your life as a PhD candidate. Suppose you at a conference and doing networking to be a genuine person instead of shoving your business card so that they have your contact details. Professor can tell when anyone is talking to them or networking for the business quality of the interaction. These interactions or networking does not help you at all, and it is not comfortable for all the people involved in it.

Thus, try to make genuine connections with others, do research and take courses that are beneficial to you.

Be Caring

Try to be caring in addition to being genuine. PhDs, as well as the careers in the academic works, can be demanding. Be caring towards others and yourself too. If anyone needs your help, help them. It will make the institution a great place to work. Besides, care for people you are networking with, and their wants and needs from your side. Maybe they need your help. Also, it is beneficial to be caring for your tasks. Enjoy your work. Care about the work you do and the people around you. It will make you and your job better.

As your progress through your PhD degree, there are a lot of people who can offer you some tricks or magic shortcuts to get through the work and be a professor. Never get tricked into hacking your way through. Do all the work with care and be authentic. Follow these productivity tips for PhDs to get a successful future. Follow our website for more content.